ChannelSet: Message<"meshtastic.ChannelSet"> & {
    loraConfig?: Config_LoRaConfig;
    settings: ChannelSettings[];

This is the most compact possible representation for a set of channels. It includes only one PRIMARY channel (which must be first) and any SECONDARY channels. No DISABLED channels are included. This abstraction is used only on the the 'app side' of the world (ie python, javascript and android etc) to show a group of Channels as a (long) URL

Type declaration

  • OptionalloraConfig?: Config_LoRaConfig

    LoRa config

    from field: meshtastic.Config.LoRaConfig lora_config = 2;

  • settings: ChannelSettings[]

    Channel list with settings

    from field: repeated meshtastic.ChannelSettings settings = 1;

from message meshtastic.ChannelSet