LogRecord: Message<"meshtastic.LogRecord"> & {
    level: LogRecord_Level;
    message: string;
    source: string;
    time: number;

Debug output from the device. To minimize the size of records inside the device code, if a time/source/level is not set on the message it is assumed to be a continuation of the previously sent message. This allows the device code to use fixed maxlen 64 byte strings for messages, and then extend as needed by emitting multiple records.

Type declaration

  • level: LogRecord_Level

    Not yet set

    from field: meshtastic.LogRecord.Level level = 4;

  • message: string

    Log levels, chosen to match python logging conventions.

    from field: string message = 1;

  • source: string

    Usually based on thread name - if known

    from field: string source = 3;

  • time: number

    Seconds since 1970 - or 0 for unknown/unset

    from field: fixed32 time = 2;

from message meshtastic.LogRecord