MyNodeInfo: Message<"meshtastic.MyNodeInfo"> & {
    deviceId: Uint8Array;
    minAppVersion: number;
    myNodeNum: number;
    rebootCount: number;

Unique local debugging info for this node Note: we don't include position or the user info, because that will come in the Sent to the phone in response to WantNodes.

Type declaration

  • deviceId: Uint8Array

    Unique hardware identifier for this device

    from field: bytes device_id = 12;

  • minAppVersion: number

    The minimum app version that can talk to this device. Phone/PC apps should compare this to their build number and if too low tell the user they must update their app

    from field: uint32 min_app_version = 11;

  • myNodeNum: number

    Tells the phone what our node number is, default starting value is lowbyte of macaddr, but it will be fixed if that is already in use

    from field: uint32 my_node_num = 1;

  • rebootCount: number

    The total number of reboots this node has ever encountered (well - since the last time we discarded preferences)

    from field: uint32 reboot_count = 8;

from message meshtastic.MyNodeInfo