Ambient Lighting Module - Settings for control of onboard LEDs to allow users to adjust the brightness levels and respective color levels.
Initially created for the RAK14001 RGB LED module.
Type declaration
blue: number
Sets the blue LED level. Values are 0-255.
from field: uint32 blue = 5;
current: number
Sets the current for the LED output. Default is 10.
from field: uint32 current = 2;
green: number
Sets the green LED level. Values are 0-255.
from field: uint32 green = 4;
ledState: boolean
Sets LED to on or off.
from field: bool led_state = 1;
red: number
Sets the red LED level. Values are 0-255.
from field: uint32 red = 3;
from message meshtastic.ModuleConfig.AmbientLightingConfig
Ambient Lighting Module - Settings for control of onboard LEDs to allow users to adjust the brightness levels and respective color levels. Initially created for the RAK14001 RGB LED module.