LocalStats: Message<"meshtastic.LocalStats"> & {
    airUtilTx: number;
    channelUtilization: number;
    numOnlineNodes: number;
    numPacketsRx: number;
    numPacketsRxBad: number;
    numPacketsTx: number;
    numRxDupe: number;
    numTotalNodes: number;
    numTxRelay: number;
    numTxRelayCanceled: number;
    uptimeSeconds: number;

Local device mesh statistics

Type declaration

  • airUtilTx: number

    Percent of airtime for transmission used within the last hour.

    from field: float air_util_tx = 3;

  • channelUtilization: number

    Utilization for the current channel, including well formed TX, RX and malformed RX (aka noise).

    from field: float channel_utilization = 2;

  • numOnlineNodes: number

    Number of nodes online (in the past 2 hours)

    from field: uint32 num_online_nodes = 7;

  • numPacketsRx: number

    Number of packets received (both good and bad)

    from field: uint32 num_packets_rx = 5;

  • numPacketsRxBad: number

    Number of packets received that are malformed or violate the protocol

    from field: uint32 num_packets_rx_bad = 6;

  • numPacketsTx: number

    Number of packets sent

    from field: uint32 num_packets_tx = 4;

  • numRxDupe: number

    Number of received packets that were duplicates (due to multiple nodes relaying). If this number is high, there are nodes in the mesh relaying packets when it's unnecessary, for example due to the ROUTER/REPEATER role.

    from field: uint32 num_rx_dupe = 9;

  • numTotalNodes: number

    Number of nodes total

    from field: uint32 num_total_nodes = 8;

  • numTxRelay: number

    Number of packets we transmitted that were a relay for others (not originating from ourselves).

    from field: uint32 num_tx_relay = 10;

  • numTxRelayCanceled: number

    Number of times we canceled a packet to be relayed, because someone else did it before us. This will always be zero for ROUTERs/REPEATERs. If this number is high, some other node(s) is/are relaying faster than you.

    from field: uint32 num_tx_relay_canceled = 11;

  • uptimeSeconds: number

    How long the device has been running since the last reboot (in seconds)

    from field: uint32 uptime_seconds = 1;

from message meshtastic.LocalStats